
Airtightness Field Guides

Builders know - airtightness can be tricky!

It’s also the most cost effective way of making a home more energy efficient and a critical part of building to Upper Step Code or Passive House standards.

Here are a couple short field guides I’ve created to help. They’re based on existing information but specifically formatted for site-friendly use on mobile phone. Plus an “airtight building” sign.

If you scroll to the bottom you’ll also find additional information as well links to suppliers.

Top of Wall “Tape to Tape” transition method (an alternative to pre-stripping for high performance builds)

Penetration Strategies

Airtight Building Sign

Additional Information and Training

These guides aren’t intended to be starting points for learning about airtightness, rather to support workers on site who are already familiar with building airtightness by summarizing and referencing existing information.

For more information, BC Housing has some excellent free publications:

Wall Air Barrier Reference Sheet

Illustrated Guide to Achieving Airtight Buildings

Better yet, if you haven’t already, I highly recommend checking out BCIT’s current offerings on energy efficient building.